Dear Friends,
Research on heart disease in children continues to be extremely underfunded even though the years of potential life lost in a child is up to 75 times that of an adult. In fact, for every $100 dollars the National Institutes of Health (NIH) spends on heart disease research, a mere 65 cents goes to pediatric cardiomyopathy.
This is why CCF's Research Grant Program is so critical to advancing research on cardiomyopathies in children. Each year, CCF provides seed funding to promising researchers studying various forms of cardiomyopathy. To date, we have awarded more than $2.3 million to 47 studies. The findings from these studies have resulted in more than 160 medical presentations and publications. Several funded-researchers have gone on to receive substantial funding from the National, Heart, Lung and Blood Institute to expand their research.
Even so, the disease is still not well understood and we don't have cures yet. We need your help to support more research studies on pediatric cardiomyopathy. Our goal this Spring Appeal is to raise $50,000 to fund one more research study this year. Each study we fund has the potential to improve outcomes and quality of life for children with cardiomyopathy.
An investment into pediatric heart research is an investment into a diagnosed child's future. With increased funding, researchers can develop more accurate diagnostic methods and targeted therapies for our cardiomyopathy heart kids.
Please give to CCF's Spring Appeal to help us fund one more study and take a step closer to finding real cures.
Founding Executive Director
To view past CCF-funded research studies, click here.