Every year, families and friends host a variety of creative fundraisers to support the mission of the Children's Cardiomyopathy Foundation (CCF). Whether it's running a marathon, hosting a Bake for a Cure sale, organizing an athletic event, or planning a tricky tray night, every dollar raised is invested into improving treatments and care for children with cardiomyopathy.

It takes a team to defeat cardiomyopathy, and we need everyone on the same team. Hosting a CCF event is the perfect way to raise funds and spread awareness of cardiomyopathy in your community.

Developing a Concept

Creating your own fundraiser can be fun when you get friends and family involved in the brainstorming and planning. February Heart Month and September Cardiomyopathy Awareness Month are ideal times to host an event.

CCF has a list of Fundraising Ideas that may spark your interest. You may get other ideas from reading about successful CCF family fundraisers and finding out what community events are happening in your area. The best ideas are the ones that revolve around your interests and contacts. Below are some events that have been planned in the past by CCF supporters:

  • Bake for a Cure
  • Race for a Cure
  • Themed dinner dance or gala
  • Golf tournament
  • Auction or raffle
  • Tailgate party
  • Dress down day
  • Wine tasting
  • Family fun day
  • Trivia or bingo night
  • Movie night
  • Karaoke or talent night

Fundraising Page

To promote your event and raise funds online, you can set up a fundraising webpage through our new fundraising platform. These fundraising options allow you to tell your story, add a photo, and create a fundraising goal. Through your personal fundraising page, supporters will have an easy way to donate and support your efforts. To set up a Go Fund Me or Just Giving fundraising page, contact CCF.

To create a Facebook fundraiser from your Facebook homepage, simply click on “Fundraiser” under the “Create” heading on the left-hand side. Select the “Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation” and complete your fundraiser details. Click here for instructions and view an example.

Media Coverage

Sharing your story about cardiomyopathy with local media outlets, such as newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations can help to educate others on cardiomyopathy. CCF's Reaching Out to the Media Guide outlines steps for contacting the media, generating media interest, securing interviews, and conveying important facts about cardiomyopathy. CCF can assist you in drafting a press releases or letter to the editor.

Fundraising Resources

When ready to plan your event, CCF can provide the guidance and tools to make your community event a success. CCF's Partnership in a Cause Guide provides idea tip sheets, helpful guidelines, and planning forms. In addition, CCF's Event Starter Kit is available free-of-charge and contains logo stickers, balloons, CCF handouts, heart pens, and a fact sheet and poster. CCF will also highlight your event on our Community Events page.

To get started, please complete a fundraiser event form to register your event. A Foundation representative will contact you to help in your planning and suggest resources to make your event a success.